Welcome to the Pug Life Show were Crazy Pug Pawrents are not only encouraged it’s celebrated!
My name is Donna and I created this PODCAST with my Pugs Charles and Rosie in 2021, and although Charles has passed the treaties onto Kenji, we're still on a mission to discover if we really are as crazy as non-Pug Pawrents think we are
OR are we just the best Fur-Pawrents in the world.
We invite you to join us as we share the stories of ordinary Puggies and their Pug Life, discuss topics that are impawtant to us,
such as why being a Crazy Pug Lady is the best job in the world!, hear the slightly tragic but ultimately wonderful rescue stories that end with a Puggily-ever-after, and meet businesses that want to make our Puggies lives better with their goods and services.
We know that you love your Puggies like a favourite child, that being Pug-crazy is normal and that you want to get to know other Puggies and their Pawrents so you can share in this wonderful world that is the Pug Life.
So please join us in our journey and share your pug life with us over in our Facebook Group - The Pug Life Show PUGCAST.