Contact Us
Do you have a question about our collections, a problem with the store, or do you want to just gush about your Pug with someone you know, will not only understand, but love to listen.
We're happy to help you in any way we can ... that includes Pug stories or pictures, so don't be afraid to share those either!
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The Pug Life Show

Donna, Rosie and Charles love making new Puggie friends so much that they host a Facebook Live Show called “Livin’ the Pug Life”, where they get to talk to Puggies and their Hooman’s about their Pug Life, and our viewers (Pug-pawrents) can comment and ask questions as well.
Join the Livin’ the Pug Life Facebook Group
The Show and Facebook Group are a place where ‘Crazy Pug-Pawrents’ can meet and share their Pug Life without fear of being “Pug-shamed” if you have a Pug-cross, “Fat-shamed” if your Pug is nicely rounded, or any other type of ‘shamed’ because every Puggie is beautiful and every Pug-Pawrent is beautifully crazy.
We’d love to meet you so please join the Group, and watch/come on the Show.